Magic Johnson to Michael

Magic Johnson on Michael Jordan

Magic Johnson offered us an image we-all like. (USATSI)Magic Johnson and jordan were competitors in the late 1980s, as Johnson, near the top of their capabilities for everyone popular Lakers teams, fought to carry off Jordan overtaking while the top basketball power on the planet. But eventually, they truly became pals, specifically through the 1992 Dream Team adventure into the Olympics, in which Larry Bird famously told Johnson to just accept that Jordan had taken over.

Since that time they've remained friends, and on Monday evening, Magic shared this photo on Twitter and Instagram:

Johnson hasn't battled the idea that Jordan is the greatest, going all the way back to 1993:

It's refreshing to see a star would youn't necessarily cape for himself, particularly in the facial skin of the Greatest Of All Time. It really is section of the thing that makes Johnson so endearing historically, his willingness to provide credit in which credit is born. And guy, whenever those two paired up the fantasy Team...

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