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Short Michael Jordan Quotes

i could take failure, but i cannot accept perhaps not trying. - Jordan

Skill gains games, but teamwork and cleverness winnings titles. - Michael Jordan

Just play. Have fun. Take pleasure in the online game. - Jordan

I never ever looked over the results of lacking a big shot... once you take into account the effects you always consider an adverse outcome. - Michael Jordan

Constantly turn a poor situation into an optimistic circumstance. - Michael Jordan

I have failed over and over again within my life and that is why I succeed. - Jordan

I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I'm sure easily do, I quickly can expect half-hearted results. - Michael Jordan

You must expect things of yourself before you can do them. - Michael Jordan

There is no "i" in group but there is in win. - Jordan

I missed more than 9000 shots within my career. I lost virtually 300 games. 26 times, i am trusted to make the online game winning chance and missed. I unsuccessful repeatedly and once more in my life. Which is why I succeed. - Jordan

Skill victories games, but teamwork and cleverness victories titles. - Michael Jordan

My body could stand the crutches but my brain could not sit the sideline. - Michael Jordan

If you should be wanting to attain, you will see roadblocks... But hurdles do not have to stop you. In the event that you encounter a wall, never turnaround and provide up. Learn how to climb it, undergo it, or work around it. - Jordan

My heroes tend to be and had been my parents. I can not see having someone else as my heroes. - Jordan

Thanks men, you got plenty of... loads of... really, whatever it is, you have some it. - Michael Jordan - Room Jam

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